Friday, December 29, 2006

Grieving My Divorce

I am grieving my impending divorce decree. Even though it is been heartrending to find out I was betrayed, if I could have saved my marriage and thought it had a fighting chance to regain ground in "trust" I would have. I tried many books like the following to save my marriage and I would have to say as many others said to me, if there is any way for you to avoid a divorce, especially where there are children to suffer, avoid it. It is a pain that I never imagined existed and it is truly like a living death. Without God's help to bear it, I do not know how I would have survived the depth of its gut-wrenching pain.

Here is another one about making a "careful" decision. I would encourage you to read everything you can get your hands on, before making that final decision. There are too many lives at stake, emotionally and in their future.